
It's Educational!

While driving back from Atlanta a few weekends ago, listening to music as the long, dull expanse of I-75 drew by, a series of songs shuffled into play. Each had a similarity I found interesting: they all dealt with a topic, explaining it literally and/or scientifically, over the music. It was serendipitous, for sure. Pure science, political commentary, and a brand new dance.

Air - The Word 'Hurricane'

From The Virgin Suicides film directed by Sofia Coppola...

The Clash - Know Your Rights

From Combat Rock, one of their more unique albums and, interestingly, the first cassette I ever bought.

The Chemical Brothers (ft. Fatlip) - The Salmon Dance

I don't know about you, but this may be the dance single of 2007. Whenever Fatlip is involved, you know things are gonna get a bit weird.