This is my favorite film trailer of all time. A 2:30 minute synopsis of the entire film set to the sounds of Yes. The film is a must-see as well. Vincent Gallo writes, directs, edits, and scores. Mickey Rourke is stellar for the 3 minutes he's on-screen.
Friday Hip Hop Classics is back with Eric & Parrish Makin' Dollars - EPMD!
I'm not sure what I like best about this classic video: the Kool & The Gang sample, Eric's mumble-mouthed rhymes, or the awesome dance moves from each member you can see in the background during the verses.
This is one of the best shows on TV. Louis CK comedy is uncomfortable, brilliant, and laugh out loud funny, while addressing issues of regular people's lives.
So I'm thinking of doing a weekly post on Fridays showing some of my favorite classic hip hop songs, calling it Friday Hip Hop Classics [FHC].
First up, Prince Paul and Daddy-O of Stetsasonic, one of the first hip hop groups to use a live band on their albums, along with great samples, which is the subject of this first - and my favorite - Stet hit!
David Bowie once wrote a description of Bob Dylan's voice as 'sand and glue.' In honor of our beloved Mark Lanegan, I offer up two additional gluey, gritty voices I'd love to have...
Tom Waits The World Keeps Turning [sorry for the cheesy video]
Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, QOtSA) and Isobel Campbell (Belle and Sebastian) have apparently been releasing albums together over the past couple of years. Who'da thunk?
TV On the Radio (TVoTR) is one of my favorite bands currently. I first saw them live at Austin City Limits. Mind was blown. Then they released an album called Return To Cookie Mountain, of all things, and it was critically lauded. Still my favorite of theirs.
The guitarist, Dave Sitek, produces their albums and is now releasing an album under his own moniker Maximum Balloon. I know...that name is...uh.
But their first single, Groove Me, featuring the Brooklyn rapper London, is very good. Other songs feature vocalists like David Byrne (!), Karen O., members of TVoTR, and more. See what you think...?
Rakim is one of the best lyricists of all time. Sure, these were the days where all you had to rap about was how good you and your crew were on the m.i.c., but just listen to that delivery. Enunciated, fast, and hardly a breath taken. Classic old school hip-hop.